St. Mary's Visitation School offers homeschool families the opportunity to join our students for select classes and activities. Registration will be through our online application process; please use the "admissions" link above. Payment plans are available and all payments are made through our online FACTS system beginning in August (financial aid and tuition credits are not available). If you withdraw your child during the school year, you will be billed for the time he/she attended.
Homeschool students participating in any SMV classes and/or activities will be held to the same standards as others in terms of grading, behavior, dress code, etc.
Those students who are enrolled in one of our classes (except FLL and FTC) may participate in other SMV school activities, such as Grandparent's Day, Santa Shop, holiday parties, and other events.
We will have available the following courses for the 2025-26 school year for our homeschool families: