NWEA MAP testing
Students take the NWEA MAP test three times each year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Results are sent home to parents, and teachers use the data to drive instruction. Students take the following tests:
K-2: Math and Reading
Grades 3-8: Math, Reading, Language
Students with Special Needs
Given that we are a private school, St. Mary's Visitation School does not write or service students with IEPs. However, Hopkins Public Schools will test students, and provide IEPs and services for students who qualify for speech, hearing, PT and OT. Students who qualify will have an IEP written outlining services to be provided by others.
St. Mary's Visitation does work with families with students who have been found to need adaptations to their learning in order to ensure their academic success. Adaptations vary according to doctor/testing recommendations, the child's needs, and what the school can accommodate. Adaptations are written up as a 504 plan with input from those working with the child: doctors, parents, teachers, and possibly the child.