At SMV, we are blessed to have a dedicated staff who work to ensure all students attain academic success; we recognize the importance of, and need for, individualized instruction. All curriculum follows the standards outlined by the Diocese of Kalamazoo and teachers integrate our faith throughout the various subjects. Teachers use a combination of carefully chosen textbooks, online programs, and additional resources to teach and supplement the curriculum based on students' needs in terms of remediation, practice, and enrichment. Curriculum standards for each subject can be viewed below.
NWEA MAP testing
Students take the NWEA MAP test three times each year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Results are sent home to parents, and teachers use the data to drive their instruction, making modifications where needed. Students take the following tests:
K-2: Math and Reading
Grades 3-6: Math, Reading, Language
For more information about the NWEA MAP test, please go to
Students with Special Needs
St. Mary's Visitation works with families of students who have been found to need adaptations to their learning in order to ensure their academic success. Adaptations vary according to doctor/testing recommendations, the child's needs, and what the school can accommodate. Adaptations are written as a 504 plan with input from those working with the child: doctors, parents, teachers, and possibly the child.
As a private school within the Hopkins Public Schools district, students with existing IEPs, or those who qualify for an IEP, in speech, hearing, PT, or OT are provided services through Hopkins or the ISD. While Hopkins cannot provide services for an SMV student with an academic IEP, we will consider options with the family on an individual basis.
Drawing Children Into Reading
Beginning winter 2025, preschool and Kindergarten students will embark on a new adventure called Drawing Children Into Reading (DCIR). This is a program that helps young students with fine motor skills, pencil grip, pencil pressure, etc. Using art and pencil practice, students learn to use both sides of their brains to write and illustrate. For more information and the research behind the program, please go to Lab
SMV students spend time enhancing their learning in our STREAM lab. Offering a multitude of hands-on learning, students take part in activities that connect to their classroom studies. Students also get the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and critical thinking skills utilizing the 3D printer, learning how to code, and building robots to perform specific tasks.